Cinnamon Queen Chicks
The Cinnamon Queen is one of two modern day production brown egg laying strains developed from hybrid breeding from Cackle Hatchery that produce fast body development, fast egg production and rich brown egg shell color. These strains will start to lay eggs at a younger age than most standard heritage breeds and produce large-extra large brown eggs. They are also color sexable as chicks for the first generation. Cockerel chicks are white and the pullet chicks are more brownish red in color. Leg color is mostly yellow but a few may have some greenish color. Feathering color varies with brownish feathers and white feathers on the adult hens. Feathering color varies from totally white to white with light to dark red feathers in shoulder feathers in the adult rooster.Â
- Look and perform very closely to the ISA Brown bloodline
- Excellent for farm use with egg production
- Large, light brown egg
- 300+ eggs per year